The goal was to re brand Taqueria Los Gallos located in Newark, California. Los Gallos is a dive restaurant that serves authentic Mexican food at a reasonable price. This re brand gives the establishment a whole new graphic identity and creates consistency.
This menu fits the new brand of the restaurant. The cardboard pattern in the back is handmade and while the type is welcoming playful.
Buttons can be sold in store showcasing the logo along with the different graphical elements that support the culture and feel of the restaurant itself.
The business card and stationary include separate logo forms to accommodate each material.
The rooster as an icon is important in Mexican culture. Roosters symbolize honor, courage, good luck, patience, and trust. All attributes that Los Gallos is proud uphold. The shapes used for the rooster were inspired by the flower patterns of traditional Oaxacan, Mexico black clay pottery.
A rounded sans serif was chosen to accentuate the family atmosphere of Los Gallos. Large round counters suggest familiar geometric shapes, evoking a welcoming feeling. 
Process sketches include an interpretation of the original logo along with inspiration and the beginnings of abstracting the rooster form.
The logo went through a long iteration process, resulting in a lockup that suited the look and feel of Los Gallos. Friendly, welcoming, and warm.
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